Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Intangki National Park: Ecological degradation


Nagaland is one of the fastest deforested states in North East India. All the virgin forests have been deforested within two decades. Most of the forests in Nagaland belong to village communities and only few forests have been reserved by government. It is very unfortunate to see that many villagers have sold their forests to log operators without knowing the value of forests and the consequences of deforestation.

Forests have very vital roles in maintaining a balanced ecological system. The forests have preserved the soil, protected from flooding and silting of rivers, canals and dams were held under control. It also plays a vital role in regulating the earth's temperature and helps balance the carbon dioxide and oxygen for all living creatures - both human and animals. The destruction of forests possesses critical treats to the people, increasing erosion of irreplaceable soil, creating greater water shortages and contribution to drought and desertification. Even in Nagaland we can see the climate change and every year it has become warmer and warmer.

Almost all the private virgin forests are gone now. Government forests are the only reserved forests in Nagaland but now even government reserved forests are becoming hot spots of deforestation. Intangki national park is the biggest reserved forest in Nagaland. Intangki is a virgin forest, a paradise for wild animals and enchanted forest of Nagaland. Our only hope of having forests in Nagaland are the so called reserved forests protected by government but today, Intangki National Park is encroached and the encroachers have established a new village within Intangki National Park.

We have heard and seen logging, cutting down virgin forests to establish villages, putting poison in the river, fish and wild animals are dying in the Intangki forest. Today, Intangki National Park is a hot spot of ecological degradation in Nagaland due to encroachments and rampant logging is taking place within Intangki National Park. The encroachers are justifying themselves that this Intangki National Park is nobody's land.

Who will then protect and preserve the Intangki National Park? We have already lost much of the pristine forests; Intangki National Park is the pride of Nagaland and it is our only preserved forest to attract tourists in Nagaland. Therefore, we need to conserve National Park by all means. If government reserved forests such as National Park, geological park and wild life sanctuaries cannot be protected by government then forests would go forever.

The Zeliangrong students' union and Zeliangrong Hoho had raised their voices to evict the village and to protect National Park. The government has assured to talk to the National workers since National workers are very much involved in this affair, but government has not taken any action to protect Intangki National Park so far. M.M. Thomas, the former governor of Nagaland has stated that "Politics should certainly speak of freedom from alien powers, but it should also speak of what freedom is for 'freedom from' should be set within the context of 'freedom for' that is the socio-political vision and purpose which makes freedom meaningful."

It is true that fighting for the political freedom without concern for the integrity of creation is no value. Then the question we need to ponder is 'what is the use of freedom after all the natural resources have gone?

The government and the NSCN (IM) had recognized the importance of integrity of creation and encourage the people for tree plantation with the slogan, "Plant ten trees while felling one" the government of Nagaland has declared the year 1999 as "plantation year." We appreciate the good work and for the ecological concern. But what are they doing to protect Intangki National Park?

If the present ruling government and the national workers cannot protect government reserved forests then we need to think who will protect our Intangki National Park. Thomas Berry gives thoughtful question, "after we burn our life boat, how will we stay a float? What will then be the need of religion, Christianity or the church?" when our lands become uninhabitable place for human and nature against us, what will be the use of religion, government and freedom?

There was a time when we thought that ecological crisis is not a serious problem but now ecology crisis is a reality in Nagaland. For so long the church has become silent spectators and escapist from ecological concern but now the church needs to involve and care for the earth.

The time has come for all the environmentalists, churches, NGOs, overground and underground, ruling and opposition parties need to realize the seriousness of ecological crisis and come together to work and protect our forests in order to maintain ecological balance. I appeal to encroachers to retreat from Intangki National Park and preserve the Intangki National Park for common good.

If the present trends of deforestation continue, environment catastrophe is eminent. Therefore, let us preserve our forest and let every village has a reserved forest and protect government reserved forests for maintaining balance ecological system and for the sake of future generation.

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